The Konecta People: let’s meet Monica Todiros

The Konecta People: let’s meet Monica Todiros

What is your role at Konecta, and how does your work contribute to the success of the company?

In Konecta’s Global Clients division we tend to have a wide spectrum of responsibilities that allow us to interact remotely with multiple countries and client industries. As a Global Key Account Manager, I am responsible for the successful delivery of operations, commercials, contracts and achievement of client expectations across multiple countries. 

Additionally, as the Head of Site for Romania’s Global Clients division, I focus on local growth by partnering with international clients that are interested in our top-notch location and amazing team in Bucharest. 

My personal focus and contribution are towards business growth in the Global Clients division, meeting the expectations of our existing clients and also increasing the visibility of our division across all countries where the majority of business still remains with local players. 

Monica Butea

What was your career path towards your current role and responsibilities – and were there any pivotal moments that led you to where you are now? 

With nearly 19 years of experience in multilingual centres, my journey has been dynamic. I started my career as an inbound & outbound agent and I have moved my way up to Team Leader, Project Manager, Operations Manager, Account Manager, Account Director, Head of Site & Key Account Manager while navigating different accounts and client industries. 

During that time, there have been turning points when I relocated across countries but the real pivotal moments arose when I embraced roles that stretched my capabilities.Taking calculated risks and learning through practical experiences have propelled my growth, reinforcing my belief in continuous learning and proactive risk-taking.

As a woman, have you faced any particular challenges in advancing your career? And what has enabled or helped you to overcome these challenges?

I want to address this question twofold because as a feminist, I feel compelled to not only reflect on my own experiences but to examine the broader societal context. From a very young age, societal norms often dictate different expectations for boys and girls. Boys are encouraged to be assertive and brave, while girls are taught to be nurturing and polite. Unfortunately, these early gender stereotypes can persist into professional life, where assertive communication from women can be perceived as aggressive, while the same behaviour from men may be seen as a sign of strength.

Parenthood remains a significant challenge for women in the workforce, impacting their career progression. For example, maternity leave policies vary globally, with only 45% of countries offering paid leave, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). This lack of support can lead to difficulties for women returning to work after childbirth. On top of that, there is data showing that women are more likely than men to experience career interruptions due to caregiving responsibilities.

Beyond the economic challenges, other issues persist too. While significant progress has been made in securing women's rights, particularly in areas such as suffrage and reproductive rights, women continue to face systemic barriers and discrimination in various aspects of life, including education, employment, and political representation.

However, while very aware of these realities, I myself have been fortunate to work in an environment where competence is valued above gender. Konecta’s culture prioritises skills and performance, fostering an inclusive environment conducive to professional growth, irrespective of gender. 

Even so, there is one important key message I want to give to all colleagues: “It is not enough to simply not be part of the problem; you need to be part of the solution.” 

Has anyone at Konecta been especially helpful or inspirational to you – through advice, opportunities, mentoring, role modelling? 

Evet. Konecta'da Küresel Müşteriler Başkanı Ronen Melnik'e rapor veriyorum, kendisi son birkaç yıldır benim ana ilham ve mentorluk kaynağım oldu. Kendisi doğası gereği genişlemeci, kayıplara veya hatalara değil büyümeye odaklanıyor ve en iyi becerilerimizi en iyi şekilde kullanmamız için güvenli bir alan yaratıyor. Ona gidip tavsiye istediğimde ya da bir şeyi gözden kaçırmış olabileceğimi itiraf ettiğimde kendimi güvende hissediyorum. Hiyerarşiyi pek sevmez, güven ve özerklik verir ve güvene dayalı ilişkilerin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olur. Ronen'in rehberliği ve analitik zekası gelişimimde ve karar alma süreçlerimde etkili oldu.

I also want to mention my colleague Ethel Graff, who’s been an inspirational peer. She’s got great client relationship and negotiation skills as well as an ability to focus on finding solutions by looking at situations from different angles. I enjoy working with her on common projects and I often pick her brain when in need of a new idea. 

Can you tell us any ways in which Konecta is supporting women at all career stages in their progression? 

Firstly, it’s worth mentioning that 65% of Konecta’s workforce is female, so women play a vital role in all our achievements. Women leadership programs (i.e. LIFE) have been rolled out in multiple countries and are showing great results, and there are other good examples of projects rolled out in different regions:

  1. Konecta Foundation's Professional Training School in Spain has provided specialised training and employment opportunities for 105 vulnerable women in Konecta and other companies.
  2. In Argentina, Konecta has been a pioneer in integrating an EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) culture and in obtaining the Certification of the Micaela Law No. 27499, a regulation aimed at preventing and combating all forms of violence against women.
  3. Also in Argentina, in the city of Cordoba, as part of a program called ‘Menos brecha, más Comunidad’ (‘Less gap, more community’), a  'Telephone and Digital Sales Agent' course was launched through a collaboration between CorLab and Konecta. The course had nearly 2,500 enrolments, with 81.4% of them being women. 

How do you personally try to support younger colleagues – are there any specific initiatives you are driving or you are involved in?

Supporting and nurturing younger colleagues is not just a responsibility but a core value that drives my approach as a people manager. I actively engage in coaching activities, working closely with team members to identify their strengths, areas for improvement, and career aspirations.  As an advocate for inclusion and diversity, I spearhead initiatives aimed at promoting a culture of equality and respect within our teams (e.g. diversity and inclusion workshops, where we discuss unconscious biases, promote cultural awareness, and implement strategies to foster inclusivity in our workplace).

Leading by example is crucial in creating a positive work environment. I ensure that fairness and meritocracy are upheld in all aspects of team management. Promotions, opportunities for growth, and recognition are based solely on merit and performance, creating a level playing field for everyone.  Moreover, I make it a point to address any instances of discrimination or bias promptly and decisively. By fostering open communication channels and promoting a culture of respect and empathy, I ensure that everyone feels valued, heard, and safe in their workplace environment.

What advice would you give to a young woman (or anyone else) starting their career at Konecta today?

Starting your career at Konecta presents a wealth of opportunities for growth and development, and my advice is to embrace these opportunities wholeheartedly. 

  1. Leverage the resources: Konecta is a large company with abundant resources and avenues for learning. Take advantage of internal training programs, workshops, and educational resources to expand your skills and knowledge base.
  2. Seek mentorship: Identify and connect with mentors within the organisation who can offer guidance, share insights, and support your professional development journey. 
  3. Engage in advocacy: Take time to engage in advocacy activities that align with your values and interests. Whether it’s participating in diversity forums, volunteering for community initiatives, or supporting causes within the organisation, advocacy can be a powerful way to make a positive impact and contribute to meaningful change. Champion diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  4. Amplify your voice: Don’t hesitate to share your ideas, perspectives, and contributions. Use your voice to contribute to discussions, offer innovative solutions, and showcase your expertise. 
  5. Embrace individuality: Celebrate your uniqueness and don’t be afraid to stand out. Embracing diversity of thought, backgrounds, and experiences enriches team dynamics and fosters creativity and innovation. 

By adopting these strategies, you can navigate your career journey at Konecta with confidence, purpose, and a commitment to continuous growth and contribution.

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Veri denetleyicisi: GRUPO KONECTANET, S.L (KONECTA). Amaç: Konecta, haber bültenleri, etkinlik davetleri ve benzerlerini göndermek gibi profesyonel ve ticari faaliyetlerimiz çerçevesinde sizinle iletişime geçmek ve sizi bilgilendirmek için verilerinizi işleyecektir. Meşrulaştırma: Verilerinizi sağlayarak, hem KONECTA hem de ait olduğu Grubun Avrupa Birliği (AB) dışında bulunan şirketleri tarafından bilgilerin işlenmesine izin vermiş olursunuz. Alıcılar: Yasal olarak zorunlu olmadıkça veriler aktarılmayacaktır. Haklar: verilere erişim, düzeltme ve silme ile ek bilgilerde başvurulabilecek diğer haklar. Ek bilgiler: KONECTA adresindeki Gizlilik Politikamızdaki tüm ek bilgilere başvurabilirsiniz.


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