Konecta signs an alliance with Google Cloud that will boost the group's artificial intelligence services and efficiency

Konecta signs an alliance with Google Cloud that will boost the group's artificial intelligence services and efficiency

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Konecta, the global leader in the provision of CX services and technology solutions, has signed a multi-year agreement with Google Cloud to use its Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and AI services. This alliance brings to the company a wealth of capabilities and expertise to develop innovative services and improve operations efficiencies.

First, the agreement will further leverage speech analytics capabilities to identify root causes, improve conversion rates, and support our agents. Integrating tailored training programmes with Generative AI / Vertex AI will not only increase performance but also enhance employee experience. 

The partnership will also allow us to leverage Vertex AI capabilities to improve our agents' skills through reactive and proactive knowledge management solutions (Konecta co-pilot) and real-time voice and text analytics. Regarding automation capabilities, the focus will be on implementing digital journeys using Generative AI engines in GCP. This includes the integration of new services such as automated services and GenAI-based ChatBots.

Google's cutting-edge AI and GenAI services are central to the group’s strategy to build a comprehensive partnership ecosystem. This ecosystem is dedicated to creating integrated, scalable solutions and services that meet the innovation needs of our customers and enable them to compete successfully in the marketplace. 

For Konecta, collaborating with partners like Google reinforces its commitment to a customer-centric approach. This approach consists of simplifying the technology required to quickly translate actions into tangible benefits, working on micro-journeys to achieve operational excellence and transform our clients' Customer Experience (CX).

In addition, working with Google will enable the multinational to foster a culture that prioritises process and CX innovation. Through joint innovation and co-creation labs with our customers, we aim to generate new ideas, experiment and create prototypes. This collaborative environment will allow us to test new solutions in an agile and adaptable way in a variety of contexts.

Jorge del Río, Konecta's CIO, said, "The pursuit of efficiency and excellence in customer management is in Konecta's DNA, and now, with our partnership with Google in Cloud and Artificial Intelligence, we will accelerate and scale that process, delivering more value to our customers and a better experience to consumers."

During its digital innovation process, Konecta has benefitted from essential support from Devoteam, a leading Google Cloud Premier Partner. With a team in Spain of more than 80 experts specialising in Google Cloud solutions and a solid track record in the implementation of innovative cloud solutions, as well as in the provision of IT and application modernisation and workplace transformation services, Devoteam has supported Konecta during its journey to Google Cloud, acting as an additional resource to address all its needs in terms of cloud infrastructure, and more.

"We are proud to collaborate with Google Cloud to deliver cutting-edge solutions and services to customers like Konecta. Since 2022, we have partnered with Konecta, providing end-to-end infrastructure, desktop, and security support. We look forward to continuing to work together to contribute to its growth in the cloud and beyond," said Jaime Martin Peyrac, Cloud Director, Devoteam G Cloud Spain.

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