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Konecta consolidates its position as a Great Place to Work in America

Konecta fosters an agile, innovative, collaborative, proactive and flexible work culture; behaviors that make it a Great Place to Work.

Over 70,000 team members in the region participated in the Great Place to Work assessment, which includes the Trust Index™ Survey, Culture Brief™, and Culture Audit. These evaluations measure employee perception and the company's cultural maturity across five dimensions: PRIDE, EQUANIMITY, FELLOWSHIP, RESPECT, and CREDIBILITY.

Great Place to Work - Konecta in the Americas

"Our main commitment to guarantee the experience of our customers and the results expected by our shareholders is to foster the best work environment for our employees, where they feel safe, supported and have the opportunity to develop their full potential. We know that the growth of our employees will be reflected in the growth of our company, which is why we work every day under the slogan "grow by growing". Antonio Santocildes, Human Resources Director

The survey, which was carried out simultaneously in 6 countries Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala and Salvador, included qualitative and quantitative research, measuring the company's profitability and market value, productivity and performance of key business indicators, sales and growth over the last year, and finally, the mood of the work teams.

GPTW recognizes Konecta (within the segment of companies with more than 1000 employees), for providing a work experience with global standards of well-being, quality of life and development, for promoting policies and practices that improve the quality of life within the organization and for meeting the established certification requirements. As a result, 80% of the people surveyed choose Konecta as a Great Place to Work.

Key figures impacting the well-being of Konecta's employees include a focus on labor inclusion. Konecta is a leader in the Americas, promoting employment for people with disabilities, single mothers, and youth entering the workforce. Women constitute 64% of the workforce, occupying roles from agents to managers. The company also employs over 1,300 migrants and more than 2,000 individuals over 50 years old.

The measurement results for Konecta are a true reflection of the performance of its teams. The multinational achieved a turnover of €2 billion worldwide in 2022; and a large part of the company's good financial results, are due to the Americas region, which generated USD765 million in 2022.<span> </span>This growth is leveraged by the strengthening of its innovative capabilities that allow it to respond to the challenges of Artificial Intelligence, achieving the best integration between robotics solutions, analytics and process automation with qualified human talent.<span> </span>During 2022, more than 9,500,000 hours of training were invested in different areas of the Business, to ensure human talent with the expected competencies.

Great Place to Work - Konecta in the Americas

"Maintaining a trusworthy work environment that promotes well-being, pride and inclusivity, is what drives us to deliver the best. We continue to look up to the future, where the well-being and development of our talent is always the priority. We have the perfect combination of human talent, with our technological and innovation capabilities; the key to Konecta being a leading global company today, we are in the top five of BPOs in the world and our growth projections are very optimistic and ambitious in America, both for its own markets, as well as for our capabilities to serve companies in the United States" Mariano Castaños Zemborain, CEO America.

In addition to the GPTW certification, the following recognitions were achieved in countries such as Peru and Argentina:


  • Best Place to Work for Women
  • Best Place to Work Diversity and Inclusion
  • Best Place to Work for Millennials
  • Best Place to Work from Home


  • Best Place to Work Young Talent
  • Best Place to Work Companies that Care
  • Best Place to Work for Women

"We are on the path we set out on. We recognize people as part of the business sustainability strategy. Long time ago we had this initiative in 1 country with 14,500 people. Today, and for the second consecutive year, we have reached 6 countries listening to the voice of more than 70,000 people in Americas; under the same purpose; to make Konecta a great place to work wherever our employees are". Analía Alám, Global People Manager.

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