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Business process optimization: a key to unlocking value in the 2020s

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In 2023, every brand looking to deliver high-quality customer experiences has to prioritize business process optimization. But it’s a daunting prospect because many brands don’t know what that means or how to do it.

What is business process optimization?

There’s no single solution that works for all businesses and brands: it depends on industry, geography, digitalization progress, and which processes you want to optimize. At Konecta, we believe the optimization of business processes should always focus on results – using cutting-edge business process optimization strategy, tools and solutions to increase your output and enhance service levels while also lowering your costs and cutting out errors. 

Real-life benefits of optimizing your business processes

A couple of examples can illustrate what we mean about results:

  • In Latam, Konecta used a continuous improvement methodology to detect gaps and propose transformation opportunities for a global telecoms company’s front-office operations. Results achieved included a sales increase of almost 4%, reduction in AHT of 4%; and increase in ARPU of 10%.
  • For a US multinational, Konecta did a project involving the transformation of telephone technology, including the integration and optimization of the IVR and ACD telephone platform. The results achieved included a 5% increase in NPS, and 10% reduction in AHT.

In our latest white paper on business process optimization, you can find out more about these and other examples, learning how we achieved them, why people are such an important element in automation projects, and in which industries business process optimization is currently more important than ever. 

Download our white paper to get the answers!

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