Our inspiration: a sustainable future
We are committed to our customers, to our shareholders, to our suppliers, to our talents, to the society and, above all, to a responsible and sustainable business model.
We ensure the maintenance of good corporate governance practices.
We engage with the community to which we belong.
We minimise our environmental impact.
We work
in all areas of the company and establish synergistic alliances with other entities. For this and to channel the group's social action, we have Fundación Konecta.
We grow
ensuring sustainability in every step we take. We look to the future with the aim of being the best, guaranteeing responsible management on the road to our goals.
We share
the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 agenda to support the well-being and progress of society.
Integrity, ethics and transparency are the guiding principles of our work
Our internal policy framework brings together the values and principles that govern decision-making.
Human Rights
We are committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We are founding members of the Spanish network of the United Nations Global Compact. We ratify our membership annually.
We align our strategies with its 10 principles for action in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption.
We promote the right to integration into the labour market of vulnerable groups.
Security of information,
Konecta's guarantee
We guarantee information security with a solid cybersecurity model based on the detection and rapid response to potential incidents with measures such as recurrent audits of IT assets, the development of cybersecurity operational centres, our malware analysis laboratory, the routine assessment of vulnerabilities and the continuous training and awareness of our talents.
Confidentiality is a management tool for our business competitiveness. Personal data protection is a cornerstone of Konecta. We ensure that our talents, suppliers and business partners internalise its importance.
At Konecta, people from different cultures, idiosyncrasies and generations come together. Diversity adds value to us. To promote it, we dedicate resources and efforts to ensure:
- A respectful, safe and inclusive work environment.
- Equal opportunities.
- Non-discrimination.
Welfare and work-life balance
We are convinced that people need to reconcile their family, personal and professional lives. We promote initiatives and measures aimed at achieving a healthy balance in the daily lives of our professionals.
"En France, pour l'exercice 2022, nous obtenons un score de 87% sur l'index égalité Femmes Hommes qui se décomposent ainsi : écart de rémunération : 37/40, écart d'augmentations individuelles : 20/20, écart de promotions : 15/15, taux de salariés ayant bénéficié d'une augmentation dans l'année suivant leur retour de congé maternité : 15/15, nombre de salariés du genre sous-représenté parmi les 10 plus haute rémunérations : 0/10”
Equality and integration
We promote a culture that guarantees equal opportunities for our professionals.
We have equality plans, protocols against gender-based violence and a series of initiatives aimed at raising staff awareness.
More than 67% of our workforce is made up of women.
An inclusive work environment, coupled with training initiatives and alliances, are our greatest claims to attract diverse talent and promote the incorporation into the company of groups at risk of exclusion.
Circular economy.
We work to minimise the generation of waste and its recycling through authorised waste managers. In addition, we promote the recycling of our professionals to contribute to social initiatives.
Energy efficiency improvements.
We reduce consumption and are committed to green energy. At Konecta España, 100% of the electricity we consume is guaranteed to be of renewable origin.
Reduction of paper and cardboard consumption.
We are increasing green label paper and decreasing its use by raising awareness among our teams and implementing digitisation projects, as well as actively participating in recycling programmes.
Reduction of water consumption.
With efficiency models and awareness campaigns.
STBi Commitment
Konecta has committed to set near-term company-wide emission reductions in line with climate science with the SBTi.The objectives of this initiative align with the Paris Agreement (COP21, 2015), which aims to mitigate the most severe impacts of climate change by limiting the average temperature increase to well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. Additionally, it strives to enhance efforts aimed at restricting global warming to 1.5°C.
Awareness-raising actions
We know that change begins with each one of us. We promote courses and projects so that this maxim permeatesin our talents.