Smiling woman holding a beige hoodie, working at a desk with a laptop, boxes, and notebooks in a stylish workspace

Scaleable customer support model for a fashion giant

A global retailer and e-commerce brand asked Konecta to provide multilingual customer support for online and in-person customers. Through its agile management model, Konecta now supports the client on 3 continents in 13 languages, and is still expanding. All while delivering a global quality rate of almost 9 out of 10. 


When a global fashion retail and e-commerce giant wanted a provider for customer support for its online store openings in different countries, it knew where to turn. 

Known for its own agility and speed to market in the world of fashion, the retail and e-commerce brand wanted the same level of agile operational management from a BPO partner. Konecta, with its agility in terms of both multi-lingual and multi-geography provision, was exactly this partner.


Konecta was initially asked to provide multilingual customer care for the retailer’s online store, which was opening in several countries, supporting customers who had made online purchases. 

Later, just like its customers’ own wardrobes, the client’s wishlist grew. When the retailer set out to consolidate and reduce the number of BPO providers it was working with across different markets, Konecta was asked to assist it, taking over services from previous providers and creating a global delivery model for most of the retailer’s busiest markets. This would allow it to add markets, locations or languages seamlessly, through a synchronized and reliable model.


In tackling the initial task for the retailer - providing multilingual customer care for its online store - Konecta immediately reviewed the online shop and quickly identified a number of pain points in the pre-sales and sales processes. Through targeted ideation sessions, it put together solutions to improve processes, to develop a new help section for online shoppers, and to enhance the information available on the website (such as size guides, check-out processes, and product availability). This attention to rooting out and addressing issues is relentless. 

Another issue to address at the start was the client’s level of digitalization, which was early-stage. Through its ongoing relationship with Konecta, the client has been able to develop on this, with advanced analytics and AI now implemented.

And just in the same way that a fashion consumer may go into an online store for a pair of trousers and end up with an entire, perfect outfit, the retailer client has received other support from Konecta:

  • At the start of the service, Konecta was able to provide it with a CRM solution
  • More recently, Konecta has assisted it with social media content moderation (including through training plans and quality) and knowledge base, and also with back-office support
  • Konecta has also provided proactive consulting services, e.g. generating brainstorming sessions, benchmarking, and assistance on adapting the legal framework.


Today, Konecta supports the client on three continents in 13 languages. Through its wide geographical footprint, and ability to quickly recruit varied profiles across its centers, it offers the global retailer the possibility to quickly and effectively expand its multilingual offering from any of its locations. Services can also be scaled easily to meet seasonal sales peaks.

Also supporting this agility – which is so important to the retailer – is Konecta’s global delivery cloud model. Ready to be implemented effectively at pace in new geographies and integrated seamlessly into the Konecta solution, this includes a voice platform, e-learning tool, and a standardized QA tool used consistently across all the centers to unify and align AQ reporting across all markets.Services can quickly be scaled to adapt to seasonality.


During 2023, Konecta handled more than 6 million contacts for the client, with over 1.000 people working on the service during the peak season. The global quality rate was almost 9 out of 10. Other metrics are equally impressive, especially when considered in the context that Konecta is quickly adding multilingual support from different locations as the client needs:

Average response: For written channels, like chat and WhatsApp, contacts are answered within 1 minute of reaching Konecta. 90% of calls are answered within 1 minute, and 80% within 20 seconds.

Call abandonment: The rate is between 3 and 5%, beating the target rate of 5%.

First call resolution: The rate depends on the client’s own established procedures which allow agents to provide a solution without escalating a case. As a result of agents’ strong performance, the FCR rate is around 97%, well above the target of 85%.


Konecta’s support on customer service has helped the client become one of the world leaders in its sector, while reducing service costs, in particular in the Americas. The global retailer and e-commerce giant is highly satisfied with Konecta’s proactivity and agility in foreseeing customer needs, and its attentive support on implementing new technologies.

At the heart of this success is Konecta’s ability to replicate its management model, with new site openings to manage new markets, in a process that is almost seamless from customers’ perspective. 

During these last years, as Konecta has carefully and creatively fostered the partnership with the client, new opportunities to widen the collaboration have arisen, including recently in the area of technology support. As a result, the contract has not only been renewed, it’s also being expanded continually. 


“Thanks to its adaptability, project experience and flexibility, Konecta is now positioned as our reference partner in multilingual customer care.”

Konecta retail & e-commerce client


“With this client, as we do for so many clients across multiple sectors, we act as a true partner, accompanying it in the creation and evolution of its service model, and providing a synchronized model across all the geographies we operate, with a local single point of contact (SPOC).

“As we have shown with this client, a global household name in fashion, Konecta has the ability to create a suit perfectly tailored to every customer. We are constantly adapting to the client’s needs and the changing environment in which we and they do business. 

Konecta Retail & eCommerce Director

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