K TALKS A personal space with our clients: NEQUI

K TALKS A personal space with our clients: NEQUI

MARIANO CASTAÑOS ZEMBORAIN, CEO of Konecta in the Americas, shares with some of our clients in the Region a pleasant conversation that allows us to get to know them better.  Their personal stories, hobbies, professional challenges and business vision in each of their industries.

Today's episode “Discipline and talent are the key to success” is a journey through the personal and professional history of Jorge Iván Otálvaro, Chief Operating Officer NEQUI (Colombia's first Digital Bank).

Discipline has been the starting point to achieve his great professional successes; always faithful to his life purpose of “challenging himself and challenging people to their maximum potential”.

Jorge talks to us about the great challenges that Generative Artificial Intelligence brings, the importance of general value alliances with strategic partners and the development of people as the key to success.

For Jorge closeness has been key in building his professional and business success and he is convinced that “to be a good leader, we must first be good human beings”.


It is the first digital bank in Colombia. It was born 8 years ago as an innovation project of Bancolombia, with objectives such as transforming the financial industry, traditionally very formal, to bring financial products and services closer to people; seeking to be part of their daily lives, having financial education as its backbone.  NEQUI's mantra is: “To have users at the center of their decisions”.

Today NEQUI has 19 million users in Colombia.  With a portfolio of financial and non-financial services; thanks to the alliances with the right partners to advance in the structure of the user experience.

NEQUI's purpose in their own words: “We help people to have a better relationship with their money, empowering them to achieve what they want to do”.

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